Ahhhh.... Sunday. My favorite day of the week! The one day when I can just relax and chill around the house without feeling guilty about it. However, this Sunday, I am feeling very ambitious and am trying to get some things done. For one, I just finished posting another song from Grindin Season for free download on zShare. If you wanna download it now, just click the link below and enjoy:
GooD HooD - What's Yours ft. Miss Love Jones
You can also listen to it on the music player application on the left side of the blog.
If you happen to be in the DC area, I will be performing some poetry and acapella verses of mine this Tuesday at Busboys & Poets on 14th & V Sts. NW. They do an open mic every Tuesday starting at 9 PM. It costs $4 to get in, there's always a good crowd and talented performers. So if you are free and interested, come show your support this Tuesday night. I'm not really a spoken word kinda guy, so this will be my first time performing some of these pieces and it may be the only time. We'll see... Don't miss it!
As for GooD HooD, Sabrey and I have been discussing our vision for the group lately. Basically fleshing out the details of where we see ourselves going with our music careers and what we want to accomplish. Using a book by Burt Nanus called Visionary Leadership, we have been going through the exercises and writing down our responses. The whole experience has been very rewarding and I think it will be crucial in helping us to achieve some if not all of our goals in the near future. Mickey Mantle once said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up wherever you're headed." Well, we are finding new direction and I think 2009 will prove that we are ready to accomplish the impossible.
We have been in the studio a couple times in the last few weeks working on some new songs. We're almost finished with 3 of them, but our access to the studio has been inconsistent lately and so they're still not quite out of the oven. I am determined to get this situation resolved as well and get these songs finished shortly. Our producer friend from Sweden, All I Ever Wanted, has offered us the opportunity to have 3-4 songs featured on a new compilation album to be released all over Europe and in the US, so we are working with a deadline to make sure we don't miss out.
Also, I have recently become familiar with the website ReverbNation and plan to begin using it more frequently to improve our promotional capabilities. We will be switching over our email service provider and some song sharing features as well. These days, promoting our music online requires updating and maintaining pages on Facebook, Myspace, Sonicbids, this blog page and more, so using a site like ReverbNation helps out greatly with managing all of them more efficiently.
If all that works out smoothly, I may still have time to clean the kitchen and living room while I'm at it. It might be Sunday, but it's all in a day's work!
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